Empowering Those at the End of Their Lives Through Preplanning

People can be a little unsettled by a discussion about death, but it’s so important that end-of-life discussions happen within all Culpeper and Fredericksburg families, as well as between a family or individual and a trusted funeral home.


From our experience at Found and Sons, making prearrangements can be particularly beneficial, mentally and emotionally for those facing a terminal illness or those who are nearing the end of life naturally.


If that describes you, or you just like to plan for the future, here are four ways preplanning can help you process the idea of death and even find comfort in the midst of such a difficult time:


1.) A chance to reflect


At Found and Sons, we believe every person is unique, and their funeral service should reflect that. As a result, we offer a numb

er of ways families and individuals can express their personality through personalization. Balloon releases or memory tables are just a couple of the options.


Look through your closets and drawers – what are some of your favorite things? Your fishing pole? A book or Bible? Maybe it’s the afghan your grandmother knitted for you or your first rocking chair. We can incorporate all of these special items into your farewell.


2.) A chance to say goodbye


When you think about it, funeral services are actually more for the living than for the person who is deceased. They can bring a tremendous amount of peace.


We’re all used to hearing loved ones eulogize the person who has been lost. But wouldn’t it be special if you were able to write letters, or even record video messages, for friends and family that could be read, or played, at your own service? Preplanning gives you the power to do that.


3.) A chance for one last gift of love


At Found and Sons, we have heard time and again from families about how much it meant to them that their parent or grandparent preplanned their funeral. It removes a tremendous amount of pressure when arrangements are already in place when a death occurs. Your family is then free to focus on remembering you and figuring out what life looks like now that you’re gone. This can also minimize disputes between family members.


4.) A chance to communicate who you were


Perhaps you have very particular ideas about cremation v. burial or a specific vision for your service. When you plan ahead, you are in charge of deciding what aspects of the funeral are most important. You get to ensure your remains are treated in a way that matches up to your values and beliefs. You can also determine whether or not your service will have a religious thread or perhaps be more secular. The main thing is that it’s up to you, and you’re in the driver’s seat.


What aspects of preplanning would be the most comforting to you? Share with us in the comments below.



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Found and Sons Funeral Chapels & Cremation Service

Found and Sons Funeral Chapels & Cremation Service

In a day when large funeral home conglomerates are everywhere, Found and Sons Funeral Chapels & Cremation Service remain family-owned and operated. When you call or visit our homes, you will find a full staff of caring professionals providing personalized, compassionate service, before, during and after the funeral. Our goal is for all families to leave Found and Sons having had a very meaningful experience.