Responding to a Friend Who is Grieving

Responding to a Friend Who is Grieving


We’ve all been touched by loss. Even if you haven’t lost someone very close to you, you probably love someone who has. So what happens when a friend is in the grips of grief? It can be hard to know what to do, especially if death isn’t something you’ve experienced on a very personal level. Here are some tips the team at Found and Sons can offer our neighbors in Culpeper and Fredericksburg who have a friend reeling from grief:


1.) Be present.


You might think your friend wants to be alone right after a loss, and they might. But they also might need you, and are afraid to ask for help. Be with them and listen to their pain. Be sure to attend the funeral. The family has taken tremendous time to plan a meaningful tribute, and we have seen time and again how much it means when you show your support by attending.


2.) Be honest.


Don’t offer meaningless platitudes that might not be true. Instead, share your feelings with them in an open and transparent way, and encourage them to do the same. And don’t be afraid to bring up their loved one. It will help them to know how much they meant to you too.


3.) Be specific.


Your friend is under a lot of strain. In the midst of their pain, they’re having to deal with some very practical details like making funeral arrangements – especially if their loved one didn’t leave a will or plan ahead. When you offer them help, be specific in the assistance you offer.


For example, you could say, “I am going to bring you dinner one day this week. What day works best for you?”


5.) Be thoughtful.


Your friend’s grief isn’t going to just disappear after a short time. Think of them in the months to come and especially during the holidays. You might offer to visit their loved one’s grave with them on the six-month anniversary of their passing or send them a note on their family member’s birthday.


Most of all, it’s important your friend knows you’re there for them…always. And be sure to let them know there are resources available to them, including some here at Found & Sons Funeral Chapels and Cremation Service. We see it as part of our mission to help the grieving move towards healing, which is why we provide a number of aftercare resources for our families.


Has a friend ever been there for you during a hard time that made a difference? Share your story with us in the comments below.

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Found and Sons Funeral Chapels & Cremation Service

Found and Sons Funeral Chapels & Cremation Service

In a day when large funeral home conglomerates are everywhere, Found and Sons Funeral Chapels & Cremation Service remain family-owned and operated. When you call or visit our homes, you will find a full staff of caring professionals providing personalized, compassionate service, before, during and after the funeral. Our goal is for all families to leave Found and Sons having had a very meaningful experience.